Hye reader, good evening, it was wonderful evening, when i woke up i looked around there's empty without thing beloging her!! with a big eye's looked around with smile, i start to say im so glad, coz of finally my housemate get out from this house, syukur alhamdulillah..suddenly i wanna sing the song from Maher Zain..what the? ok fine, just forget about that, coz of it's nothing to me, it was so basket...coz of that i never ever TRUST people around me, with same attitude like her!! OMG.. all that it just make me felt FOBIA and must to go to TANJUNG RAMBUTAN, to get the inspiration after all that happen to me, whatever...to be strong and to be positive it's make me better, tommorrow never die..what the?:D
Ok, fine, lets start about APO2 YOLAH NEXT TOP ICON, ( ANTI ) i joint this contest coz of my beloved friend Mr Romzi, will check it out his blog at http://storyofrome.blogspot.com/ his start to said about ATOK blog, it was so fantastic if we joint the contest and will show off all the picture that he had liked the America Next Top Model ( ANTM ) contest, i just said..OMG, i dont want to joint this contest coz of i dont have a time to blogging and updated all kind of thing, but when the positive aura coming in, i just said..ok fine, just do it..;D,
Finally i won the contest, and the prize was so fantastic too..hahahaha...certificate of Apo2 Yolah Next Top Icon, cover girl for VOUGE magazine and a few prizes..will check it out at http://anaknegori.blogspot.com/ , a lots of story from there, so thanks to Apo2 Yolah, especially and officially to Mr Suhami Ahmad coz of give me the apportunity for joint this contest, it's make me felt fresh idea for my written on my own blog, thousand thank you.
Million Thank you for the beautiful banner, Atok put it at the head banner blog JUST for one night only, ooooppss...no..no..no...FOR 1 MONTH ONLY..;D
This banner will come back after one month...maybe!! ;D
NOTA: dah kenapa start membebel ckp omputih ni nonor oi?saja jek, nak meningkatkan skill bahasa english ni, ( walaupun hampeh ) maybe the grammer was so jadi tunggang terbalik, hope uolls faham, kalau ada salah silap sila bagi tahu, boleh den perbaiki lagi..TQ yang blogwalking, following and comment, walaupun tidak mengenali anda, saya rasa seronok dapat blogwalking blog uolls yang pelbagai story menarik..TQ!!
Mu ...when speaking LONDON i like !!!...mu should speaking every morning ...every afternoon ..n evenevery nite ... i like mu !!! mu hebat ! great ! ..molek sungguh !!..mu are the beautiful ...sungguh mu !!! hidop u !!! ...
Om, apo yang ko merepek?dan apo yang cubo ko sampai kan?hahahahahah..TQ om syg...;D
Hihi...terharu ha kakitangan Apo2 Yolah. rome lamo tak singgah blog atok...ni tolong undi untuk atok, boleh? klik http://bpm-undi.blogspot.com/ pastu undi nombor 64...atok mintak tolong yo :)
nonor :....ala aku cakap bahasa KELANTAN yang ko tak suka tur...i like when u speak english !!! ...
ATOK :...selalu saya singgah kat sana ...banyak benda saya baca ...mungkin saya tak komen kot ..tapi saya tetap sayang atok okay ...okay..nty saya undi.
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